The first 20-30 minutes of our Sunday mornings are devoted to worshiping the Lord in song, prayer, and the reading of His Word.
Our music is contemporary in style, with some traditional hymns from time to time as well.
Check out the live streams on our YouTube Channel to get an idea of what our worship experience is like.
Following our time of worship, we study the Bible going verse by verse through the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation. This is referred to as "expository teaching," and we follow this practice in order that we might be taught “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27), and that we might be brought into spiritual maturity and equipped for our service to the Lord (Eph. 4:11-12).
You’ll want to bring your Bible! If you don’t have a Bible, don't worry, we have extras.
The word “fellowship” simply means “sharing”, so we encourage everyone to stick around after service to meet other families and individuals to share with, encourage, and pray for one another.
We also have a potluck fellowship breakfast between services the first Sunday of each month.
We desire that our church be a place where you can experience the love of Jesus together with us.
We provide a Children’s Ministry during our 10:30 am Sunday service as well as our Wednesday evening service, where children (nursery age through 5th grade) can learn the Bible at an age-appropriate level.
Our goal is to make Sunday school a part of your kid’s week that they look forward to, where they will learn and grow in their understanding of God and His Word and in their love for Him.
We have an open communion where all believers in Jesus Christ are invited to partake of the Lord’s Supper with us as we remember and proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.
We typically share communion together as a church on the first Sunday of each month.
If you a follower of Jesus Christ, having committed your life to Him through faith, we invite you to join us in communion!
Most people here dress casual, so if you want to come in jeans and a t-shirt, you'll fit right in!
Following Jesus' example, we look at the heart rather than outward appearances.
We teach systematically, verse by verse through the Bible, to explain the meaning and intent of God's Word so that we can apply it in our daily lives, and share that truth and good news with those around us.
Sound boring? Visit our Sermons page and check out recent messages...Learn more about "expository preaching" here.We don't "pass the plate" or "take up an offering" during our services, so please visit us without feeling obligated to give.
While we are not opposed to formal offerings, we firmly believe that where God guides, He is faithful to provide. We also believe that those who call Calvary Chapel Bemidji their spiritual home should give generously and wholeheartedly to support the ministry. Our belief regarding giving come from scripture.
2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver."
For those who wish to give, we offer both online giving and a secure offerings box in the foyer in which you can place your offering so that your giving may be an act of worship between you and Him alone.
Simply put, we don't have a system of church membership. Christ followers who attend regularly are considered part of our church family. We don't keep a list of members, nor are there any special rights for those who regularly attend and participate.
If you want to grow in your faith and get more connected to this church, below are some ways you can get plugged in. We would love for you to be part of our church family!
Connect Groups are a great way to get to know people with interests or ministry focuses similar to your own.
If you have middle school or high school age young people in your family, our youth groups are a great way for them to get connected as well. We have a group for high school age, as well as for middle school boys and middle school girls.
Stay up-to-date and informed of what's going on here at Calvary Chapel Bemidji through Church Center. You can get weekly announcement emails, reminders right on your smart phone, and much more!
Our Wednesday night adult Bible study is a great way to get to know people in a smaller group setting while also learning about and discussing scripture in greater depth.
From time to time, we also have specific studies which may interest you as well. Check our schedule by clicking the button below!
We offer Bible & theology classes once per month on weekends, and provide various opportunities for outreach and service so you can put what you've learned into practice.
If you're looking to grow your faith and reach out to disciple others, you'll definitely want to check this out!