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Discipleship School
Local church leaders and trained teachers facilitate each class, drawing on years of experience and gifts to help equip you as disciples.
Basics of Interpreting the Bible
In this course, we learn basic principles and methods so that we can read and interpret God's Word accurately and responsibly.
Biblical Apologetics
In this workshop, we explore some of the difficult questions of faith, and develop skills in answering (and asking) tough questions.
Old Testament Overview -- Part 2
In this class, we will walk through the Old Testament and gain a deeper understanding of God and His incredible love for us.
Old Testament Overview -- Part 1
In this class, we will walk through the Old Testament and gain a deeper understanding of God and His incredible love for us.
How to be a Neighbor: Engaging with Native American People Around Us
In this class, we gain insight from Native American Christians about how to better engage and build relationships with the Native American people in our communities.
Church History
History sometimes gets a negative rap, but there’s nothing more exciting, more invigorating, and more hopeful than spending time studying the faithfulness of God throughout the last 2,000 years
Intro to Eschatology
In this class, we study the last days with emphasis upon the nation and people of Israel and the Church.
Calvary Chapel Bemidji Origins & Testimony
Darcy Baker gives her testimony and about the beginnings of Calvary Chapel Bemidji and how this movie, her testimony, and CCB are connected.
Making Disciples Like Jesus
How to be a disciple who makes disciples, following the model of Jesus.
Spiritual Warfare
In this six-session course, we look into God’s thoughts toward the American church, and the challenges we face in engaging the spiritual forces of darkness in our lives, in our churches, and in our communities.
Redemptive History
This course provides a “big picture” survey of the work of God beginning with creation.