Women's Ministry

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Motivated by the Gospel, women's ministry exists to assist our congregation in nurturing, encouraging and equipping women of all ages to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God. We desire to encourage women of all ages to develop their personal relationship with the Lord, build strong bonds with their families and grow in both knowledge of the Lord and in healthy relationships with others.

We desire to honor God, by using our gifts to serve the body of believers and facilitating growth in faith, truth, love, unity, and grace.

We seek to be a light to our community through, loving and serving our neighbors and Proclaiming the Gospel.

1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

The women of Calvary Chapel gather for Bible studies, prayer and worship nights, retreats, an annual Christmas Tea, sewing for those in need, and many other ministry arenas.

There are numerous ways to get involved: prayer, meals, worship, cooking, speaking, decorating, sewing, Bible study and many more.

We look forward to serving and growing alongside of you. Let us know what you’re passionate about and what areas of ministry you would like to participate and serve in.

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Bible Study

We regularly have Bible studies especially for women. Watch the announcements & events section above for information about the current studies!


The purpose in our prayer ministries is to lift up the concerns of our fellowship to the Lord, and supporting one another before the throne of Grace in prayer. We consider it a privilege as members of God’s family to be concerned for our brothers and sisters and to grow closer as a church family by sharing our hurts, needs and praises.

If you have a heart for service to the body through prayer, there are many different ways that you can connect and serve.

Prayer Phone Network: Text Only

Sunday Morning Prayer Ministry:
Two women meet each Sunday to pray during the service.

Prayer and Worship Nights

Hospitality Ministry

If you are interested in bringing a meal occasionally to someone in need.  Please contact Darcy Baker.